Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Fighting with my family Analysis

Fighting with my family Analysis

1. The user rating is 7.3 out of 10 which is a good score for the type of film it is.
2. It grossed 138,780 dollars in the US opening weekend.
3. Most fans quite enjoyed the film despite their lack of interest in wrestling. This was send by a fan: "Got a chance to see this film at an early screening and I have to say it is one of the best funniest, heartwarming movie of 2019."
4. A Reviewer by the name of Chris GreenWood said that the films was a 'engaging and heartfelt comedy". Mark Kermode also said that Stephen Merchant had 'all the right moves'. and gave it 4/5 stars.
5.The film is classified as a Biography(as it is based on areal person), and a comedy(as it involves a lot of light-hearted jokes).
6.The tagline for the film is "A comedy about a family that fights a little differently'. This tagline instantly gives the audience a good idea about what the film is.
7. The film is directed by Stephen Merchant, who hasn't made many big films but is responsible for bringing around two of the biggest British sitcoms: The Office(British) and Extras.
8. Lena Heady is possibly working on a Game of Thrones spin-off series after Game of Thrones ends.
9. Lena Heady (who plays the mother) is most famous for her roles as cerise Lannister from Game of Thrones and 300. Nick Frost is famous for Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Paul and The World's End. Dwayne Johnson is famous for his multiple roles mainly from the Fast and the Furious series.
10. The real Paige didn't want Nick Frost to play her dad as she didn't know who he was.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Representation of Ability/Disability in Films (Wonder)

Representation of Ability/Disability in Films

In the film Wonder the film spends a long time showing the difference between able bodied people vs disabled bodied people. The main character Augie has mandibulofacial dysostosis which makes his appearance seem different to most people.

In this scene where Auggie is given a school tour around the school and the stop in the science block, Julian asks Auggie "What's the deal with your face". Jack and Charlotte immediately tell Julian to stop what he's saying and that it's rude. The dialogue (sound) here This shows how disability is seen as quite a taboo subject within the school implying that disability is an awkward and bad topic for the students to talk about. This representation of what disabled students and disability of a whole shows how disabled people are something that we don't understand and we can find a bit weird but also very intriguing.

Another representation is how disabled people can also be a bit more mentally able than
regular kids. Despite Auggie being quiet, one of the only lines he speaks in this scene is how Julian says "supposably" when describing science. Auggie corrects Julian saying that the correct thing to say is "supposedly". This can be due to how Auggie's disability is a hinder but that it also helps him when it comes to learning. Due to his disability he may spend a lot of time on his own instead of interacting with other kids his age. This could allow him to learn more and have better understanding of literature. Auggie is shot, off to the side which shows how he is secluded and on his own. It also shows how Julian is cornering him and how he is the one in charge.

On the other hand Julian (who is a fully abled person) has poor grammar and seems cooler than Auggie. His facial expression and dialogue shows how he might take being able bodied for granted and doesn't realise how lucky he is.   

The binary opposition of ability vs disability in this scene and throughout the films strongly shows how people with disability are more hidden away and less interactive with their peers, but it also shows how Auggie is a very bright and intelligent child which can be down to his disability and how he was home-schooled which can make his disability ( a negative thing) into a more positive thing.

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