Task 1 - Horror
Three professionally made films openings -
Opening One: The Ring
Opening Two: You're Next
Opening Three: Halloween
Three Student-made film Openings
Opening 1:
Opening 2:
Opening 3:
Here, the narrative point of the opening (beginning of film, middle of film, end of film) is unknown which adds both mystery to it but also makes it a bit harder to understand when the scene is on its own.This opening does a great job at building suspense and creating a tense environment for the character. The first few shots are are shot from a low-angle-shot looking at our main character. This tells the audience that this is the person we should focus on. The shot and light coming from the monitor almost makes the watcher seem as if they are watching the character through the monitor, almost spying on them, which creates a creepy and ominous tone for the viewer. We then meet another character, who is most likely his brother/ or father. The inclusion of family creates an innocent and safe setting. We can tell that it is most likely night tie as the curtains are drawn. This and the single artificial yellow lightbulb adds to the ominous tone. The opening has the credits being typed into a google search-bar. This is a smart and unique way to show credits and shows the type of film it is.
We see shaken cam footage creeping towards the front door and hear the sound of something trying to bash in. The makes the audience fear for the character. We see him move the bins which shows the audience how he is a realistic normal person which makes us connect with him more and thus, makes us worry for him. Intercut with him doing chores, shows a hand reach out of the monitor. Although it doesn't grab the boy, the audience suddenly become much more heightened with fear as we know more than the character does. The hand makes the audience questions what it is and whether or not the boy summoned it by using his computer.
Task 2 - Planning
- Idea Generation: I started off with a completely different idea, but once I watched the film Unfriended (2014), I got the idea for the film. I really liked the blend of cyberbullying but mixed with a horror and supernatural aesthetic, and realised that I could make a tense and suspenseful opening, that fuses the common conventions of horror with modern day problems and issues.
- Location Recess: Night Time: Room (dark), Attic, Stairs, damp, mould patch, Single orange light.
The film is horror, so I want to film at night to add to the fear and mysterious tones of the opening. The single orange light I want to use, is to provide a low level of light, a common convention of horror, to make the scene seem ominous. I want to use orange, from the lamp on the desk, as I think it gives a feeling of fear and danger, as oppose to blue with is more peaceful and calming. The use of an upstairs attic, is because it is the highest point of a house, which in films means that once someone goes up, they can easily be trapped. This is the thought I would want to make the audience feel, as like many horror films, they know that going upstairs is always dangerous. I want to use the mould on the ceiling, to give a feeling of disgust to the audience, which I hope will put them in an uncomfortable mood.
- Character Profiles: Short, Skinny, Male, Vulnerable.
A teenage boy that seems to be quite cruel to people as he can abuse his anonymity .Trying to make them seem vulnerable which makes it easier to believe that they would be attacked and preyed upon, but it also shows why the act and treat people the way that they do.
- Casting Justification (COVID-19 AFFECTED): Tom: Short, Male, Vulnerable, Skinny, 16-17 years old.
Comfortable on camera. Fits the part.
- Props List: Phone, Laptop, Baseball & Bat, Catcher's glove, Fizzy Drink, Dollar
I want to try and set the opening in America, as I personally believe that American media, allows for more bullying. I also think America has more cases of murder due to different laws and restrictions. To make it seem American. I want to try and and use American dollar bills, and baseball gear, to show how this is set in America. I also want to use a baseball bat, as it can be used as a weapon, something I want to use as a Chekov's gun, as it will come back and be referenced throughout the opening. Both the phone and the Laptop, are designed to be used by the main character as weapons used to bully and attack people. I want to build a dislike for the character, so that although his supposed murder is awful, it feels somewhat deserved, and builds mystery into why, what happened, did.
- Costume List: White Top (Baseball Tee), Jeans, White socks.
The clothes are contemporary, to show that the opening is set in a modern world. This allows for the aspects of cyber bullying to occur with is an integral part of the story. I wanted to make the clothes seem casual to show that it's a teenager, but also wanted to give them a sense of style to show how the main character still cares about their looks. Minimalistic and natural hair and make-up.
Storyboard -
1st Draw -
Plot Synopsis:
A teenage boy enters his home and stares at an odd stain on the ceiling. He walks up stairs and enters his room. We see on his phone that he is starting to bully and argue with people online, under an anonymous username. He hears a few bumps coming from the hatch entrance to the attic. He goes to the toilet and as he passes, we see that the bat he put down in the opening is gone, and that the sensors outside have set the light off. When he comes back, he opens his laptop and proceeds to continue to bully. Eventually the bumping from the attic becomes too much and he goes up. He gets up there and eventually sees what appears to be shoes behind a box. He investigates and sees that there isn't anything there, and the opening cuts on a figure standing behind him.
Later on in the story, it would go on to show that the teen's bullying led to a girl's suicide, and that the boy has been missing for the last week. It would eventually be revealed that it was more than just one murder, and that all the friends and family of the girl, grouped together to kill the teen boy.
-Teen Boy enters the house.
-Puts down a baseball bat by the door.
-Looks up at a stain on the ceiling.
-Walks up the stairs and enters his room.
-Puts drink on desk.
-Looks at phone.
-Messages something cruel.
-Hears a bump and looks at the attic.
-Opens Laptop.
-Boy passes past window and camera.
-Light outside turns on.
-Sits down at desk and access laptop.
-Proceeds to cyber bully on the internet.
-Hears another bump.
-Gets out of chair and lowers the attic hatch.
-Boy checks through the attic.
-Finds a bloody knife.
-A figure appears behind him.