Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Edwards Scissor hands: Kim dances in snow, scene: Mise-en-scene.

Kim dances in snow: Mise-en-scene

In the scene where Kim dances in the snow, the lighting is quite bright and she is really well lit. This shows meaning by making the scene look like a dream and a fantasy, The lighting makes Kim look like an angel in the snow. The moonlight is usually used in horror but here it is used to show romance. When Jim comes along, the lighting changes to dark, making him seem like the villain.

In the scene, Kim is dancing and smiling. This shows that she is happy, and comfortable around Edward. Edward is seen sculpting an ice statue. This shows that he is very talented and skilled. He is also using what are seen as scary looking hands to make something nice and pure out of them.
It also shows how different they both are by having close ups on Kim and Edward's hands.

The scene starts out inside which makes Kim unknowing of what Edward is doing outside. When she then goes outside she is outside of her comfort zone and yet it seems calm. The scene is also shown at night which means it should be scarier tense but instead the moonlight makes it less frightning.

The sculpture looks to be an angle which could show Kim as being shown as an angle to Edward. The sculpture also shows the size between it and Edward which backs up how skilled he is.

Kim, is dressed in a white elegant dress which makes her seem pure or perfect. It also makes Kim similar to the angle sculpture. Edwards is in his normal entire however it has a lot of wholes and scratches which shows despite how he is treated and seen, he can still make something beautiful.

The hair and makeup is pretty general and natural. Edward looks a lot more normal as the majority of his scares are covered up.

The notes taken in order to produce this.

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